Patient Rights
Patients of Northeast Missouri Health Council have the following rights--
Respect and Dignity:
Effective health care requires trust between patients and health care providers. Staff will show respect for each patient’s rights and needs.
Continuity of Care:
Northeast Missouri Health Council must inform each patient (or their representative) of the patients’ rights in advance of providing care. In the event that termination of care is deemed necessary, a certified letter will be sent to the patient outlining the reasons for termination and providing information on seeking care from an alternative source.
Participation in Care:
Patients have the right to participate in the development and implementation of their plan of care including, but not limited to the following:
Receive treatment regardless of race, religion, disability, age, sex or national origin
Make informed decisions regarding their care
Be informed of their health status
Be involved in care planning and treatment
Request or refuse treatment
Have practitioners and staff provide care that is consistent with these directives
Resolving conflicts about care decisions
Have a family member or representative and their own physician notified promptly upon their admission to the hospital
Privacy, Security, Access, Communication:
Northeast Missouri Health Council will respect patients’ needs that may affect care such as:
Confidentiality of information gathered during treatment
Privacy during care
The need for a safe environment
Security of self and property
Effective communication that considers hearing, speech and visual impairments, as well as language barriers
Physical access to the facility for the physically and visually impaired
The right to complain about care, to have the complaints reviewed, and when possible, to be resolved
Access to Medical Record:
Patients have the right to access the information contained in their medical records and recommend amendments when documentation is thought to be inaccurate or incomplete.
Abuse and Harassment:
Patients have the right to be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.
Patients have the right to file a grievance in writing or by calling the appropriate patient representative: Central Office by phone: (660) 627-5757
If a patient files a grievance, they will be notified about the Northeast Missouri Health Council Grievance Process.
Regardless of the source of payment for care, patients have the right to request and receive an explanation of the bill.
Professional Relationships:
Patients have the right to know the name of the person responsible for or delivering their care and to have questions answered in regard to relationships with other health care providers, educational institutions, and payers.
Additional rights provided to you under HIPAA
(Heath Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) of 1996.
Notice of Privacy Practices:
The notice of privacy practices is available at each registration area and can be mailed if you call (660) 627-5757.
Right to request restrictions on uses and disclosures
Right to access medical records
Right to request amendments
Right to request an accounting of disclosures
Right to request confidential communications
If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of these rights, please do not hesitate to contact the Central Office at (660) 627-5757.
Patients have the following responsibilities:
Accurate Information:
Provide accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, advance directives, and other matters of care.
Treatment Decisions:
Demonstrate an understanding of their contemplated treatment or care decisions and follow the treatment plan recommended by health care providers.
Keep and be on time for appointments. If needed, please call to cancel the appointment so that another patient may be served. Normally, a 24 to 48 hour advance notice is expected.
Adverse Outcomes:
If treatment is refused or if instructions are not followed, the patient is responsible for any adverse outcomes.
Financial Obligations:
Promptly fulfill financial obligations for medical services.
Rules and Regulations:
Patients and their guests are responsible for following Northeast Missouri Health Council rules and regulations. If unclear or not sure, patients have the responsibility to ask.
Rights of Others:
Be considerate of the rights of other patients and Northeast Missouri Health Council personnel, as well as the property of both.
We will not discriminate against you in the provision of care, treatment, or services based on age, sex, race, creed, marital status, religion, national origin, disability, sexual preference, public assistance status, or criminal record. You have the right to be free from sexual harassment, sexual contact, verbal, physical or sexual abuse, and any form of exploitation by the staff treating you.
Reporting a Complaint:
You may openly communicate your dissatisfaction, and raise questions or concerns about the service you have received without fear. Northeast Missouri Health Council wants to know about your dissatisfaction or concerns. If you are dissatisfied with our services, please let us know. If an individual staff member is unable to help you, they will involve your healthcare provider or the Department Manager in an attempt to resolve the problem. If you remain dissatisfied or still have concerns, you may file a formal complaint by contacting the following agencies: