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NMHC receives National Centers Quality Leader honors

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) recognized Northeast Missouri Health Council with Health Centers Quality Leader honors based on its dedication to providing high quality, comprehensive care.

NMHC is one of 11 health centers in Missouri to have attained the Health Centers Leader Quality Award, having met or exceeded national clinical quality benchmarks.

“Health centers serve approximately one in 11 people nationally. These awards will support health centers as they continue to be a primary medical home for communities around the country,” Tom Engels, HRSA Administrator, shared.

HRSA praised NMHC’s achievement of being a health center quality leader, having accomplished quality improvement standards. Additionally, this recognition places NMHC in the top 10 percent of health centers nationwide.

It is through recognition, like HRSA, that allows NMHC to expand current quality improvement systems and infrastructure while improving primary care services in Northeast Missouri.



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